Sunday, 7 June 2015

Track Team: Bridget

Jade decided that the teams fourth runner, Bridget, should gain a little more junk in her trunk, seeing as she always did bring up the rear of her team. Bridget always had a bigger bottom then the others in her team, but it was a well toned one with powerful hips and thighs that gave her tremendous speed on the track. With a few simple injects into Bridget's rear, her once toned booty soon became a blubber mess as every calorie Bridget seemed to eat turned to another ounce of fat on her ass. By the end of the first week Bridget wasn't even able to fit her giant ass into any of her pants. Bridget's once proud strut soon turned into an awkward waddle as she could stop her thunder thighs from rubbing together. The extra swing in her blubber hips almost threw her off balance most of the time. Bridget's rear continued to grow fatter and fatter as it developed more and more jiggle with each step she took. Having given up going to practice weeks ago due to her running shorts looking more like a thong on her giant ass, Bridget's days on the track were over. jade giggled as she found out Bridget was struggling to walk let alone ever consider running again thank to her oversized bulbous back side. But hey, at least she got to spend her days sitting on a soft blubbery cushion where ever she went. 

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