Ladies! Do you have useless men in your life? I know I did, but does that mean you should just deal with it and let things go on? Hell no! Hi my name is Carly and these two large lovely ladies here used to be Bill and Ted my useless step brothers. Yep that's right step brothers. They were always just lazing around the house and insulting me and my mother all day so I decided to do something about it. All I need was some female hormones and weight gain powder and Ta da! These two buxom BBW were born. Bill now Billie is the gorgeous blond with the big tits and Ted now Tina has the huge fat jiggly ass. Now I'm here to help change your life. Carly's large Ladies is here to help plumpen and feminize your man for you. Don't believe me? Well then hear from some of my satisfied customers.
Before Carly's Large Ladies, my friend Greg never wanted to go out and party with me but now Gretel can hardly keep away from them. Its so fun dancing with my new BBW bff while all the guys watch us. Gretel is also so great at helping me hook up with the hottest guys to and thanks to her chubby figure she never steals them away from me.
My next door neighbour Jarrod was always trying to get a look at me when I was undressing but thanks to Carly's Large Ladies I don't have that problem any more. I just love feeding his fat face and watching his big juicy belly grow bigger and bigger. I love Carly's Large Ladies for taking away my nosey neighbour and giving me a plump girly piggy to play with.
My boyfriend became such an asshole when I gained weight, always calling me fatty and lard ass. He just didn't understand but thanks to Carly's Large Ladies my new girlfriend is so understanding and even enjoys my weight gain. Plus I love her large soft flabby figure as she is now a much better lover then my boyfriend ever was.
I hated going out with my husband Alex. He always seemed to complain about everything and I used to get angry while out in public. That was until Carly's Large Ladies changed everything. Now I love taking him everywhere I go.
His new improved body is a joy to look at and I cant help but walking behind him in the grocery store and watching his bid ass sway from side to side while we picks out more fatty treats to stuff his face with.
So there you have it. Some very satisfied customers. So if you have or no of a useless man in someones life, take actiona and send him down to Carly's large Ladies. We will have him fattened and feminized to your hearts content in no time so you can enjoy your new BBW sooner!